We currently have a number of active projects and are unable to take on new projects. Feel free to check back in six months.

If you are interested in speaking with someone about our services, please use our contact page:

Are you an Aspiring Writer?

GreenTree Publishers will work with a few authors who share our vision and values to help you fulfill your goals of publishing your book. Authors can choose from a list of services offered which include:

  • Consultation - We are open to discussing your project and offering suggestions and advice from the things we have learned on our journey in the publishing world.
  • Editing - We have several independent editors who are willing to work with you on your project. Whether you simply need readers or detailed editing, we can help you fulfill your needs.
  • Cover Design - Our graphic artists are professionals who will help convey the message of your book in a creative and inviting way.
  • Publishing - GreenTree offers complete publishing services taking your completed manuscript from a Word file to a trade paperback or a digital e-book.
  • Marketing - GreenTree Publishers is not a marketing service, but we will offer consultation in marketing your book.